🎙️ UX+DEV SUMMIT 2018 – Michael Prentice

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Michael Prentice is an international speaker and software consultant on Angular, Material Design, Firebase, Google Cloud, NodeJS, software architecture, and Agile project management. He is a founder of GDG Space Coast, DevIntent, and Market Amplified. Michael is an active open-source contributor and mentor. He recently joined the Angular team as the lead maintainer of the AngularJS Material project. He’s based in sunny Indian Habour Beach, FL where he surfs and enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter.

Michael’s workshop: Using Angular (v5+) Material and Firebase to Rapidly Build Your MVP

The goal of this workshop is to enable you to leverage the incredible productivity and prototyping capabilities that this suite of tools provides. You will hear about the basic concepts and then apply them with hands on coding exercises. By the end of the workshop, you will have a fully functional, responsive app that is a pleasure to use on desktop and mobile. Data from multiple users will synchronize in near real time. The app can be extended and converted to many different types of applications. This workshop is meant to give you a kickstart on your way to mastering these tools.

If you’ve heard about Material Design, but haven’t been able to get approval to use it at work, then this workshop will equip you with the tools to rapidly build a fully functional prototype that is sure to impress both your peers and your boss.

If you haven’t had time to learn Angular or Material design yet because you are busy fighting with REST APIs, servers, OAuth, DB schemas, Certificates, etc. This workshop will give you a way to avoid many of those issues. Then you can focus on building an app that your users love and your team loves building.

Are you a developer who wants to build slick proof of concept UI mockups without needing to learn one of the hundreds of design tools (Sketch, Photoshop, Balsamiq, InVision, FluidUI, etc.)? The combination of Material Design, SCSS, Flexbox, and Angular can take you from zero to a variety of themed, interactive mockups in just a couple of hours.

Michael’s talk: Create Enterprise UIs That Your Users Will LOVE

It’s no longer acceptable to have Enterprise apps that only work on desktop machines. Additionally, it’s no longer OK for Enterprise web apps to be just “functional” on mobile. The productivity of your mobile users is key to your company’s bottom line and your employee retention. In this talk, we’ll explore how to build productive Enterprise mobile web app experiences with Angular Material.

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