165 – 🍊 Get to know DevFest Florida with Hendrix Tavarez, Michael Prentice, & Michael Rosario
In this episode we get to speak with the DevFest Florida team: Hendrix Tavarez, Michael Prentice, and Michael Rosario. We…
In this episode we get to speak with the DevFest Florida team: Hendrix Tavarez, Michael Prentice, and Michael Rosario. We…
In this episode we get to speak with Jenny Shen: Strategist, Speaker, Mentor, and Senior UX/Product Designer. We discuss Jenny’s…
In this episode we get to speak with Pedro Marques: Sr. Product Designer, Speaker, Musician, and Coder. We chat with…
In this episode we get to speak with Laura Kalbag: Author, Co-Founder and Designer at Indie. We chat with Laura…
In this episode we get the pleasure to speak with Stephen Shaw: Front End Developer at Codepen. We talk about…
Derek Featherstone Inclusive UX: Techniques for Everyone You and your teams are doing the things that need to be done…
Una Kravets Why Design Systems Fail Design systems are hot right now, and for good reason. They promote a modular…
Trent Walton Name That Script! How many third-party scripts are loading on our web pages these days? How can we…
Josh Clark The New Design Material Just as mobile defined the last decade of digital products, machine learning is set…
Jen Simmons Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed 2017 saw a sea change in web layout, one that…
Dan Mall Til Launch Do Us Part From one designer to a front-end developer: I’m so grateful for you. You…
Brad Frost Maintaining Design Systems By now, ‘most every in-house team has some form of design system initiative underway. Yet…