⚡️ FEDC 2018 – Mina Markham

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Mina Markham is a front-end architect, CSS junkie and design system enthusiast. She writes code for a living, currently as a Senior Engineer at Slack.

Previously at Hillary for America, her work on the Pantsuit pattern library has been spotlighted in WIRED, Fast Company, and Communication Arts.

A prolific public speaker, Mina has appeared at events worldwide, including CSS Dev Conf, Fluent, and Future of Web Design. In addition, she’s the co-organizer of Front Porch, a front-end conference which prides itself on showcasing and fostering new speakers.

Styling Hillary – A Design System for all Americans

A comprehensive design system is a critical tool for maintaining a consistent UI during rapid development that spans multiple codebases.

During the 2016 US presidential campaign, Mina spent most of her time building and refining Pantsuit, the design system that powered many of the applications hosted on hillaryclinton.com.

In this talk, Mina will share successes and failures from nearly two years at Hillary for America, including creating CSS architecture and implementing a redesign of the main website.

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