87 – 🎩 The Many Hats of a Designer with Kuan Luo

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In this episode we chat with Design Director, Kuan Luo. We get to know Kuan’s passion for design and how she has gotten to where she is today. We explore her upcoming talk at FEDC β€œHow to Kick Ass While Wearing Many Hats”, and gain insight into the points she will be discussing. We also explore what it means to be a designer and how to lead teams.

Kuan’s Bio

Kuan is passionate about optimizing small design teams to ship ambitious products. She is currently the Director of Design at Cockroach Labs, maker of the next-generation SQL database CockroachDB. Trained as a journalist and graphic designer, Kuan sees design as an humanistic investigation to tell a meaningful story. Prior to joining the enterprise world, she dabbled in design agencies and ultimately found her home leading in-house design efforts at The Washington Post and Etsy, delivering tools for the best of journalism and e-commerce. Somewhere in between, her startup Grand St. was acquired (by Etsy).

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